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CRUMBEL @UKAS 2019 from 24th to 26th of April

Christophe, Amanda, Kevin, Elisavet, Sarah, and Barbara represented the CRUMBEL project team at the biannual UKAS conference in Manchester.

Manchester, UK

This year’s UKAS program was filled with interesting talks with topics ranging from palaeoclimate and environmental change to mobility and migrations, and imaging and chemical analysis in archaeology.

Amanda presented a poster on the bioavailable strontium of plants samples from Belgium.

Kevin’s poster was about detecting the presence of garments in cremated remains.

Kevin's poster
Amanda's poster

Sarah presented her poster on the interpretation of the burial landscape and Elisavet’s poster showed the results of the osteoarchaeological analysis of the first cremated collections from Belgium.

Sarah's and Elisavet's posters

Christophe presented his research on Stonehenge, highlighting the exciting possibilities of isotope analysis of cremated remains, while Barbara presented on imaging techniques to observe vitamin D deficiency in teeth.

Christophe's presentation
Barbara's presentation

The great quality of the talks and posters in general, gave way to fruitful discussions with other attendees and led to new contacts that may lead to other exciting projects.

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